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Showing posts with the label scam investment

Play to Earn: Monsta Infinite Review (Red Flags)

Good day to each and everyone. I hope you are all doing great and having a great time profiting from Play to Earn games of your choice. First of all, most play to earn games are not for free. One of them is this game Monsta Infinite . Actually, I was one of the people who can't wait to get their hands on their token pre-sale. I wasn't able to buy on Pre-Sale 1 but after that I observed their updates to make sure if I am going to really invest my hard-earned money on them.  Before going further, Idle Mystic giveaway is still ongoing and will be ending soon. Prizes include 1 Idle Mystic hero, 2x 500 GCash and a 10$ worth MATIC token. Here is the giveaway details:

Enjoying Quarantine While Earning

Good day to everyone. I know that not everyone is having a good day today but I want to extend the good day anyway. I can't believe how hard it is to find ways or things to do during quarantine period. Most of the time I am in the kitchen trying to figure out what's to cook. Stocks are doing good but I am not risking a dime til this corona virus issue is resolved or at least I see the stock drops again. I know many of you are asking if it is good to invest in stocks now - it depends. If the stock is soaring, then forget it. If the stock drops significantly, then you know that there is a group of TSUPITEROS out there that cashed in already after luring first time or beginner investors into investing on a stock that keeps going high. As for me, right now the only good investment is still Just checkout my payouts:

The X-Curve Concept

Although most Financial Literacy based investment, MLM (Multilevel Marketing) companies or even Cooperatives use the X-Curve to promote their business side, I still consider it to be the best concept I have ever seen and the only answer in solving poverty. So what can we learn about the X-Curve Concept ?   If we look at the image above, you will see two arrows. One is the arrow which says Law of Decreasing Responsibility and the other is Law of Building Wealth . By the way, the X-Curve was taken from VCM or from a cooperative called Nutriwealth . It all starts from the left going to the right. Let's see, I hope I can explain it better than how I understand it. 

FUNDKO: A Crowd-lending Platform -- Good or Bad?

While trying to look for other option to diverse investments, I stumbled upon a company named FUNDKO . It is also a crowd-lending platform like SeedIn. Upon investigation, I was able to find an issue where a lender was informed that the borrower is unable to pay or decided to not pay their lenders anymore. This is obviously not a good sign for a crowd-lending company. It is a good thing SeedIn has a budget for this i-responsible lenders or they have made pre-cautions to avoid such issues. Okay, here is the exchanged communication between the lender and FUNDKO.

My First Seedin PH Payout

Okay, I just want to share the happiness I felt upon receiving my first payout from Seedin PH . I am planning on re-investing the money so I won't be making any withdrawals in my account yet. So I got this payout from my very first investment at Seedin PH . Here is the email I received from Seedin PH . So that's it for now. By the way, about the changes in the payout method; it was confirmed to me that there are two payout methods. First is the old method in which you receive a monthly payout which consist of interest/income plus part of your capital until it reaches maturity or the tenure of your investment. The second which was recently introduced was getting your monthly payout which consist only the interest or your income and when your investment reaches tenure or the last payout, you will receive your income plus your capital. The advantage of having your payout with capital is that you may be able to re-invest it on another project while the other method will only