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Showing posts from October, 2019

SeedIn PH Cash Withdrawal Successful

Email I got from Gmail from SeedIn PH It's a known fact that Filipino investors who were not educated in Financial Literacy are prone to investment frauds. Even those who were educated become victims as well, no thanks to fraud investment companies' usage of web technology and social media. But web technology or social media can also be used for good specially when it comes to finding the best investment companies or just finding a legit one is more appropriate. If you find a good investment company or a legit one, you can also share it to your friends - though some may think you are just recruiting for people. Okay here is one good example of a good investment; last October 20, I have requested to withdraw sum amount of money from SeedIn PH and upon checking my bank account in BDO today, I found out that it was already sent to my account last Oct. 22. So which means if you made a request for a withdrawal, you may expect it at a minimum of 2 days and max of 3 days (as...

Ellana Mineral Cosmetics: New SeedIn PH Investment

I know it has been days without activity here but I've been busy lately. I have actually received two payouts from SeedIn PH and since I haven't tried withdrawing from SeedIn PH , I believe it's about time to check out their withdraw section. I withdrew 3000 pesos to check our their withdraw section. It was stated there that it will take 3 banking days for the money to be deposited, so 2 more days then. In the meantime, I was able to invest into another investment opportunity this morning. With a funding amount of 6 Million pesos, Ellana Mineral Cosmetics opportunity will be paying 15% per year for all their investors. It seems the investment opportunities are getting quite slow in funding. Probably because of the new IPOs in the Philippines Stock Exchange. I still consider SeedIn Ph to be a good alternative to mutual funds because of its stability in paying out their investors. I wish to see more companies that offer bigger interest. If you are not yet an investo...

The X-Curve Concept

Although most Financial Literacy based investment, MLM (Multilevel Marketing) companies or even Cooperatives use the X-Curve to promote their business side, I still consider it to be the best concept I have ever seen and the only answer in solving poverty. So what can we learn about the X-Curve Concept ?   If we look at the image above, you will see two arrows. One is the arrow which says Law of Decreasing Responsibility and the other is Law of Building Wealth . By the way, the X-Curve was taken from VCM or from a cooperative called Nutriwealth . It all starts from the left going to the right. Let's see, I hope I can explain it better than how I understand it. 

SV Hesed Solutions Inc: New SeedIn PH Investment

We are once again blessed to have an investment opportunity at SeedIn PH . This time the company is a trading company and what's great is that you will get a 16% per year interest. It has a tenure of 10 monthly equal repayments. Here are the details about SV Hesed Solutions Inc. SV HESED Solutions Inc. is engaged in the business of manufacturing, importing, exporting, buying, selling at wholesale goods such as but not limited to LED lighting and fixtures, abaca, electronic products and other similar in nature.

Protecting Our Future and Our Family

People who are not learned of Financial Literacy often find themselves going in circles to making ends meet. Trapped in debt and instead of building their wealth, they mistakenly invest on unimportant things. Sadly, sometimes you have to learn things the hard way in order to find out what works and what does not. But like what an optimist would say, if you made 50 mistakes that means you found out 50 ways of how you should not do it. So h ow does someone build wealth? We can't build wealth if we are not financially protected. It's like wearing your armor before going to battle. One accident can drain years of savings so in order to avoid that you must protect your wealth or savings with a buffer or protection --and that will be your armor. Here are the things we need in order to protect the welfare of our family in the future. Eliminate Debts One greatest common burden each one has is having Debts. Having debt is like walking or running with an open wound - it will...