In one of my financial literacy lessons back in my Nutriwealth Cooperative ( a ) business venture, I encountered the term " Living in Interest ". In that lesson, you are to increase your income source ( refer to my previous article " The X-Curve Concept " ) so you can overcome your financial responsibilities as you grow older. Once you have successfully overcome your financial responsibilities, you continue to add more income sources and in the process you gain a streaming passive income to the point your family up to the next generation will benefit from it. To explain it in another way, it is like multiplying yourself, your job and your salary to provide for the same family - and it has a good twist. And you keep that attitude of multiplying your source of income until even the upcoming generation in your family may benefit from it. Okay the good twist I was talking about awhile ago is that the other copies of yourself earns income while you are sleeping. Ok...
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